AMP Frame 1.2
Framework core - all you need to get started.
Help module included to understand creating your own projects.
BS4 Project sample included to play around with.
AMP Frame Mini 1.2
Framework core - just the basics.
For a clean start to your design, this installation only comes with the landing and error pages.
Contact Form 1.0
Contact Form for AMP Frame.
This is the same contact form used here.
Simple Download 1.1
Simple file downloads for AMP Frame.
This is the same downloader you are using here.
Admin Module 1.1
Admin Module base for AMP Frame.
Implement an admin dashboard when you only need one sign in to administer the site.
Data Tag 1.1
extension mysql
Data Tag extension for AMP Frame.
Replace tags with data from any database field by running the text through this filter.
Dynamic Content 1.1
premium module mysql
Dynamic Content Module for AMP Frame.
Set up content zones that can be changed from an administration dashboard.
User Module 1.1
premium module mysql
User Module base for AMP Frame.
Implement a user management system.
Secret Message 1.1
module mysql
Secret Message Cipher for AMP Frame.
Keep messages sent over the internet secret.
So secret, we can't even read it unless you give us the encrypted text.